San Dimas Design Guideline
San Dimas, California

To prepare an historic survey of all buildings within the town core area which were constructed prior to 1950. To research and document the history and current condition of these properties to the standards as required by the State of California Historic Buildings Act. The study included approximately 400 buildings. Simultaneous with this study, to prepare architectural guidelines for the historic town core of the City of San Dimas. This includes Architectural Guidelines for commercial buildings, residential buildings, and public space. The guidelines were provisionally adopted by the City Council in 1991 and finally adopted in 1995. In 1995 DSS prepared a computer generated version of the guidelines and supervised its first publication. A copy of the guidelines will be provided to clients upon request.

Guidelines are also on sale at the planning counter at the City of San Dimas and are being used to evaluate all commercial and residential designs in the town core area





Client: City of San Dimas
Team: Design Source Studios
Historic Consultant: San Buenaventura Research Associates